5.X/8. Breaking Changes

v5.0-09. HTTP changes

drscg 2017. 10. 22. 20:39

Compressed HTTP requests are always acceptededit

Before 5.0, Elasticsearch accepted compressed HTTP requests only if the setting http.compressedwas set to true. Elasticsearch accepts compressed requests now but will continue to send compressed responses only if http.compressed is set to true.

5.0 이전에, Elasticsearch는 http.compressed 설정이 true 로 설정된 경우에만 압축된 HTTP request를 허용했다. 이제, Elasticsearch는 압축된 request을 받아들이지만, http.compressed 가 true 로 설정된 경우에만 압축된 response를 계속 보냅니다.

'5.X > 8. Breaking Changes' 카테고리의 다른 글

v5.0-07. Settings changes  (0) 2017.10.22
v5.0-08. Allocation changes  (0) 2017.10.22
v5.0-10. REST API changes  (0) 2017.10.22
v5.0-11. CAT API changes  (0) 2017.10.22
v5.0-12. Java API changes  (0) 2017.10.22