2016.04.04 - 번역 - A Heap of Trouble: Managing Elasticsearch's Managed Heap ...

Engineers can resist anything except giving their processes more resources: bigger, better, faster, more of cycles, cores, RAM, disks and interconnects! When these resources are not a bottleneck, this is wasteful but harmless. For processes like Elasticsearch that run on the JVM, the luring temptation is to turn the heap up; what harm could possibly come from having more heap? Alas, the story is..

Blog 2019.01.06

v5.0-02. Mapping changes

string fields replaced by text/keyword fieldseditThe string field datatype has been replaced by the text field for full text analyzed content, and the keyword field for not-analyzed exact string values. For backwards compatibility purposes, during the 5.x series:string field datatype이 full text analyzed 내용에 대해서는 text field로, not-analyzed exact string 값에 대해서는 keyword field로 변경되었다. 이전 version과의 호환..