Numeric 4

2017.01.05 - 번역 - Numeric and Date Ranges in Elasticsearch: Just Another Brick in the Wall ...

Like this post? Love numbers and Elasticsearch? I’ll be at Elastic{ON} to meet with attendees face to face and answer your questions. Consider attending the event. Hope to see you there.Imagine being able index your calendar to quickly find all events whose time range conflicts with a proposed event. Or creating a global television guide to find all shows, movies, sports, or broadcasts that are ..

Blog 2019.01.07

v5.0-02. Mapping changes

string fields replaced by text/keyword fieldseditThe string field datatype has been replaced by the text field for full text analyzed content, and the keyword field for not-analyzed exact string values. For backwards compatibility purposes, during the 5.x series:string field datatype이 full text analyzed 내용에 대해서는 text field로, not-analyzed exact string 값에 대해서는 keyword field로 변경되었다. 이전 version과의 호환..