2. Mixing exact search with stemming

When building a search application, stemming is often a must as it is desirable for a query on skiing to match documents that contain ski or skis. But what if a user wants to search for skiing specifically? The typical way to do this would be to use a multi-field in order to have the same content indexed in two different ways:검색 application을 만드는 경우, skiing 에 대한 query가 ski 나 skis 를 포함하는 document와..

2-2-1. Term-Based Versus Full-Text

While all queries perform some sort of relevance calculation, not all queries have an analysis phase.Besides specialized queries like the bool or function_score queries, which don’t operate on text at all, textual queries can be broken down into two families:모든 query가 relevance 연산의 일종을 수행하지만, 모든 query가 analysis 절을 가지지는 않는다. 텍스트를 전혀 다루지 않는, bool 이나 function-score query 같은 특별한 query 이외에, 텍스트를 다루는 ..