analyzed 3

1-06-4. Mapping

In order to be able to treat date fields as dates, numeric fields as numbers, and string fields as full-text or exact-value strings, Elasticsearch needs to know what type of data each field contains. This information is contained in the field를 날짜로, 숫자 field를 숫자로, string field를 full-text나 exact-value 문자열로 처리하기 위해서는, Elasticsearch는 각 field가 가지고 있는 데이터의 type을 알아야 한다. 이 정보는 mapping에 있다...

1-08-2. String Sorting and Multifields

Analyzed string fields are also multivalue fields, but sorting on them seldom gives you the results you want. If you analyze a string like fine old art, it results in three terms. We probably want to sort alphabetically on the first term, then the second term, and so forth, but Elasticsearch doesn’t have this information at its disposal at sort time.analyzed string field 또한 다중 값 field이다. 그러나 그것들..

2-2-1. Term-Based Versus Full-Text

While all queries perform some sort of relevance calculation, not all queries have an analysis phase.Besides specialized queries like the bool or function_score queries, which don’t operate on text at all, textual queries can be broken down into two families:모든 query가 relevance 연산의 일종을 수행하지만, 모든 query가 analysis 절을 가지지는 않는다. 텍스트를 전혀 다루지 않는, bool 이나 function-score query 같은 특별한 query 이외에, 텍스트를 다루는 ..