grovvy 4

v5.0-12. Java API changes

Transport client has been movededitThe Java transport client has been moved to its own module which can be referenced using:Java transport client는 다음을 사용하여 참조할 수 있는 자체 module로 옮겨졌다. org.elasticsearch.client transport 5.0.0 The transport client is now created using the following snippet:이제 transport client는 다음 code를 이용하여 생성한다.TransportClient client = new PreBuiltTransportClient(Settings.EMPTY) .a..

v2.3 Breaking changes

This section discusses the changes that you need to be aware of when migrating your application to Elasticsearch 2.3.여기에서는 application을 Elasticsearch 2.3 으로 migration할 경우 알아야 할 변경 사항에 대해 이야기한다.REST APIeditCORS support broken in 2.3.0 and 2.3.1editA change to the CORS implementation means that CORS support for pre-flight OPTIONS requests is broken in 2.3.0 and 2.3.1. This is fixed in 2.3.2.CORS 구..

2-6-13. Scoring with Scripts

Finally, if none of the function_score's built-in functions suffice, you can implement the logic that you need with a script, using the script_score function.마지막으로, function_score 의 내장 함수 어느 것도 충분하지 않다면, script_score function을 사용하여, script로 필요한 logic을 구현할 수 있다.For an example, let’s say that we want to factor our profit margin into the relevance calculation. In our business, the profit margin dep..