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2-2. Full-Text Search

Now that we have covered the simple case of searching for structured data, it is time to explore full-text search: how to search within full-text fields in order to find the most relevant documents.지금까지 구조화된 데이터를 위한, 간단한 검색을 살펴봤다. 이제 full-text 검색(full-text search) 을 탐험할 시간이다. 가장 적합한 document를 찾기 위해, full-text field를 검색하는 방법을 알아 보자.The two most important aspects of full-text search are as follows..

2-3-6. Boosting Query Clauses

Of course, the bool query isn’t restricted to combining simple one-word match queries. It can combine any other query, including other bool queries. It is commonly used to fine-tune the relevance _score for each document by combining the scores from several distinct queries.물론, bool query는, 간단한 단일 단어(one-word) match query를 조합하는데 있어, 제한이 없다. 다른 bool query는 물론이고, 다른 어떤 query와도 조합할 수 있다. 여러 별개의 que..

2-3-01. Multiple Query Strings

The simplest multifield query to deal with is the one where we can map search terms to specific fields. If we know that War and Peace is the title, and Leo Tolstoy is the author, it is easy to write each of these conditions as a match clause and to combine them with a bool query:가장 간단한 다중 field query는, 특정 field에 검색 조건을 mapping 하는 것이다. War and Peace 가 title이고, Leo Tolstoy가 author 라는 것을 안다면, match..