full-text 16

2. Search in Depth

In Getting Started we covered the basic tools in just enough detail to allow you to start searching your data with Elasticsearch. It won’t take long, though, before you find that you want more: more flexibility when matching user queries, more-accurate ranking of results, more-specific searches to cover different problem domains.Getting Started에서 Elasticsearch로 데이터 검색을 시작할 수 있는, 충분히 자세한 기본적인 too..

2-2. Full-Text Search

Now that we have covered the simple case of searching for structured data, it is time to explore full-text search: how to search within full-text fields in order to find the most relevant documents.지금까지 구조화된 데이터를 위한, 간단한 검색을 살펴봤다. 이제 full-text 검색(full-text search) 을 탐험할 시간이다. 가장 적합한 document를 찾기 위해, full-text field를 검색하는 방법을 알아 보자.The two most important aspects of full-text search are as follows..

2-2-1. Term-Based Versus Full-Text

While all queries perform some sort of relevance calculation, not all queries have an analysis phase.Besides specialized queries like the bool or function_score queries, which don’t operate on text at all, textual queries can be broken down into two families:모든 query가 relevance 연산의 일종을 수행하지만, 모든 query가 analysis 절을 가지지는 않는다. 텍스트를 전혀 다루지 않는, bool 이나 function-score query 같은 특별한 query 이외에, 텍스트를 다루는 ..

2-2-2. The match Query

The match query is the go-to query—the first query that you should reach for whenever you need to query any field. It is a high-level full-text query, meaning that it knows how to deal with both full-text fields and exact-value fields.match query는 어떤 field를 query할 때마다 만나야 하는 첫 번째 query이다. match query는, full-text field와 exact-value field 양쪽 모두를 처리하는 방법을 알고 있는, high-level full-text query 이다.That s..

2-2-3. Multiword Queries

If we could search for only one word at a time, full-text search would be pretty inflexible. Fortunately, the match query makes multiword queries just as simple:한번에 한 단어만을 검색할 수 있다면, full-text 검색은 아주 융통성 없는 검색일 것이다. 하지만, matchquery는 간단하게 여러 단어로 된 query를 만들 수 있다.GET /my_index/my_type/_search { "query": { "match": { "title": "BROWN DOG!" } } }COPY AS CURLVIEW IN SENSE The preceding query returns a..

2-2-7. Controlling Analysis

Queries can find only terms that actually exist in the inverted index, so it is important to ensure that the same analysis process is applied both to the document at index time, and to the query string at search time so that the terms in the query match the terms in the inverted index.query는 inverted index에 실제로 존재하는 단어만을 찾을 수 있다. 따라서 document를 index할할 때 적용되는 프로세스와, 검색 시 query string에 적용되는 프로세스가,..